1. Introduction

The purpose of the document is to describe how to work with all parts of the Logging Module from the developers’ point of view. The document also contains descriptions of error states and description of communication with the component. To run the module you'll need a valid license (Demo, Start-up or Production). In case the license is lacking, the application with the given module will not start, and there will be a log message with corresponding information (how to install a license?).

All modules extend functionality of Anypoint Studio, Mule runtime engine and add many new features. Find out more about all modules, licensing and pricing. In case you're still missing an information please visit our FAQ page or contact us directly.

2. XML namespace

xsi:schemaLocation=http://www.integsoft.cz/schema/mule/logging http://www.integsoft.cz/schema/mule/logging/current/mule‐ilm.xsd

3. Components

Component name Description
rabbitmq‐logging‐config Logging configuration. Inside, there is the connector to which the log message will be sent.
rabbitmq‐connection RabbitMQ connector.
http‐logging‐config HTTP logging configuration. Inside, there is the connector to which the log message will be sent.
http‐connection HTTP connector.
file‐logging‐config File logging configuration.
file‐connection File connector.
mark‐start Indicates the start of processing (creates execution context). It is processed synchronously and has minimal imprint.
mark‐end Marks the end of processing (uses the execution context from mark‐start). It is processed synchronously and has minimal imprint.
log Logs own messages. It is processed asynchronously and uses the execution context from previous mark‐start and mark‐stop calls. It internally transforms the template from the configuration and adds values to it and then sends it to the appropriate connector.

4. General configuration

4.1. Prerequisites

The classpath must contain libraries for the connector used (for example RabbitMQ) and must contain a text file with a template to which the appropriate values are added using placeholders.

4.2. Global disabling of logging

Apart from disabled switch on the connection object, it is possible to turn off logging globally in JVM via the ilm.logging.disabled system property, for example, the setting ‐Dilm.logging.disabled when starting JVM. If global logging is enabled, it is not possible to change anything locally using the disabled switch.

4.3. Use of mark‐start

<ilm:mark‐start config‐ref="testLoggingCfg" />
Attribute name Required Expressions Default value Type Description
config‐ref yes no String Logging configuration reference.
execution‐id no yes #[correlationId] String Execution ID. A subsequent mark‐end operation is bound to this ID. Default value is the correlation ID of the Mule message.

4.4. Use of mark‐end

<ilm:mark‐end config‐ref="testLoggingCfg" />
Attribute name Required Expressions Default value Type Description
config‐ref yes no String Logging configuration reference.
execution‐id no yes #[correlationId] String Execution ID. This ID should be the same as in mark‐start. Default value is the correlation ID of the Mule message.

4.5. Use of log

<ilm:log config‐ref="testLoggingCfg" level="Info" log‐message="#['Logged message ' ++ payload]" logger‐point="End of flow" custom‐correlation‐id="#[correlationId]" />

The method is not in a block, but it is advantageous to close it in <async /> block.

Attribute name Required Expressions Default value Type Description
config‐ref yes no String Logging configuration reference.
execution‐id no yes #[correlationId] String Execution ID. This ID should be the same as in mark‐start and mark‐end. Default value is the correlation ID of the Mule message
level yes no String Logging level.
logger‐point yes yes String Logging position.
user no yes String User references.
log‐message yes yes String Log message.
custom‐correlation‐id no yes String Specific correlation ID.

4.6. Type expiration-policy

<expiration-policy maxIdleTime="10" timeUnit="SECONDS" />
Attribute name Required Expressions Default value Type Description
maxIdleTime no no Number A scalar time value for the maximum amount of time a dynamic configuration instance should be allowed to be idle before it’s considered eligible for expiration.
timeUnit no no Enumeration A time unit that qualifies the maxIdleTime attribute. One of: NANOSECONDS, MICROSECONDS, MILLISECONDS, SECONDS, MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS.

4.7. Type reconnect

<reconnect count="3" frequency="1000" blocking="false" />
Attribute name Required Expressions Default value Type Description
count no no Number How many reconnection attempts to make.
frequency no no Number How often (in ms) to reconnect.
blocking no no Boolean If false, the reconnection strategy will run in a separate, non-blocking thread.

4.8. Type reconnect-forever

<reconnect-forever frequency="1000" blocking="false" />
Attribute name Required Expressions Default value Type Description
frequency no no Number How often (in ms) to reconnect.
blocking no no Boolean If false, the reconnection strategy will run in a separate, non-blocking thread.

5. Connector RabbitMQ

5.1. Logging configuration

<ilm:rabbitmq‐logging‐config name="testLoggingCfg" template‐file="logging‐message.template" fail‐on‐missing‐properties="false" ignore‐exceptions="false">
  <ilm:rabbitmq‐connection hostname="localhost" port="5672" username="admin" password="adminadmin" virtual‐host="app‐logs" queue="log‐queue" exchange="log‐input" exchange‐type="fanout" />
  <expiration-policy maxIdleTime="10" timeUnit="SECONDS" />
Attribute name Required Expressions Default value Type Description
name yes no String Configuration name used for configuration reference.
template‐file yes no String The name of the file in classpath that contains the template for the log.
application‐key no no String Application key.
application‐name no yes #[app.name] String Application name. Default is the name of the application obtained from the Mule runtime.
fail‐on‐missing‐properties no yes true Boolean It is used to configure whether it has to throw exceptions in case placeholder evaluation fails.
replace‐if‐missing‐with no yes null String If fail‐on‐missing‐properties is set to false, this value will be stored instead of the placeholder whose evaluation failed.
ignore‐exceptions no yes true Boolean If set to true, then exceptions during logging will be ignored (only logged to the log).
escape‐values no no true Boolean Enables or disables character escaping in the log message.
escaper‐class no no cz.integsoft.mule.ilm.internal.component.JsonValueEscaper String Name of Java class for escaping.
rabbitmq‐connection yes rabbitmq‐connection The connection types that can be provided to this configuration.
expiration-policy no expiration-policy Configures the minimum amount of time that a dynamic configuration instance can remain idle before the runtime considers it eligible for expiration. This does not mean that the platform will expire the instance at the exact moment that it becomes eligible. The runtime will actually purge the instances when it sees it fit.

5.2. Connector configuration

<ilm:rabbitmq‐connection hostname="localhost" port="5672" username="admin" password="adminadmin" virtual‐host="app‐logs" queue="log‐queue" exchange="log‐input" exchange‐type="fanout">
    <reconnect count="3" frequency="1000" blocking="true" />
Attribute name Required Expressions Default value Type Description
hostname no no localhost String Name or IP address of the server with RabbitMQ.
port no no 5672 Number The port number of the server with RabbitMQ.
username no no String Username.
password no no String User password.
use‐ssl no no false Boolean SSL use switch.
virtual‐host no no / String Virtual host in RabbitMQ.
queue no no String Queue name.
exchange yes no String Exchange name.
exchange‐type no no fanout String Exchange type.
routing‐key no yes ilm-routing-key String Routing key.
auto‐recovery‐enabled no no true Boolean Enabling auto‐reconnect.
nio‐threads‐count no no Number Number of I/O threads to RabbitMQ. Default depends on the RabbitMQ driver.
ignore‐connection‐errors no no false Boolean If true, then it ignores exceptions in connection with RabbitMQ. If it is turned on and there is no connection to the remote system, then the log method will not send anything and there will be a message in the log that the log has not been sent.
disabled no yes false Boolean Enables or disables logging. Even a connection to the target system is not required (from Logging Module version 1.3.2).
reconnection no One of:
The reconnection strategy to use. Find more about connectivity and strategies.

6. Connector HTTP/HTTPS

6.1. Logging configuration

<ilm:http‐logging‐config name="testLoggingCfg" template‐file="logging‐message.template" fail‐on‐missing‐properties="false" ignore‐exceptions="false" method="POST" path="/path" success‐http‐status‐codes="200..209,210">
  <ilm:http‐connection host="${https.host}" port="${https.port}" protocol="HTTPS" max‐connections="4" max‐connections‐per‐route="4" connection‐idle‐timeout="30000" ignore‐connection‐errors="true" 
      socket‐properties="globalTcpSocketProps" enable‐cookies="false" tlsContext="sslSecurityContext" proxy‐config="globalHttpProxy">
      <ilm:basic‐authentication username="${http.username}" password="${http.password}" preemptive="true" />
    <ilm:http‐header key="Content‐Type" value="#['application/json']" />
    <ilm:http‐header key="X‐ID" value="#[message.id]" />
    <ilm:query‐param key="param1" value="#['param1 value']"/>
Attribute name Required Expressions Default value Type Description
name yes no String Configuration name used for configuration reference.
template‐file yes no String The name of the file in classpath that contains the template for the log.
application‐key no no String Application key.
application‐name no yes #[app.name] String Application name. Default is the name of the application obtained from the Mule runtime.
fail‐on‐missing‐properties no yes true Boolean It is used to configure whether it has to throw exceptions in case placeholder evaluation fails.
replace‐if‐missing‐with no yes null String If fail‐on‐missing‐properties is set to false, this value will be stored instead of the placeholder whose evaluation failed.
ignore‐exceptions no yes true Boolean If set to true, then exceptions during logging will be ignored (only logged to the log).
escape‐values no no false Boolean Enables or disables character escaping in the log message.
escaper‐class no no String Name of Java class for escaping.
path no yes / String HTTP URI path.
method no no POST Enumeration Allowed HTTP method. One of: POST, PUT, PATCH.
success‐http‐status‐codes no no 200..226 String The range of HTTP status codes that the connector will consider successful. Others result in an exception being thrown, for example, "200..202,205,400".
http-headers no Array of http-header List of HTTP headers.
query-params no Array of query-param Query parameters the request should include.

6.2. Connector configuration

<ilm:socket‐properties name="globalTcpSocketProps" keep‐alive="true" connection‐timeout="30000" />
<tls:context name="sslSecurityContext">
  <tls:trust‐store path="trustStore‐localhost.jks" password="changeit" />
<ilm:proxy name="globalHttpProxy" host="localhost" port="8888" username="test" password="password" non‐proxy‐hosts="example.com,localhost" />
<ilm:http‐connection host="${https.host}" port="${https.port}" protocol="HTTPS" max‐connections="4" max‐connections‐per‐route="4" connection‐idle‐timeout="30000" 
    ignore‐connection‐errors="true" socket‐properties="globalTcpSocketProps" enable‐cookies="false" tlsContext="sslSecurityContext" proxy‐config="globalHttpProxy">
    <ilm:basic‐authentication username="${http.username}" password="${http.password}" preemptive="true" />
Attribute name Required Expressions Default value Type Description
host no no localhost String Name or IP address of the server where the requests will be sent.
port no no 80 Number Server port number.
max‐connections no no 100 Number The maximum number of outbound connections that will be kept open at the same time.
max‐connections‐per‐route no no 10 Number The maximum number of outbound connections that will be kept open at the same time per host.
connection‐idle‐timeout no no 30000 Number The number of milliseconds that a connection can remain idle before it is closed.
trust-all no no false Boolean Set to true to disable trust check on the SSL endpoint.
protocol no no HTTP Enumeration Protocol to use for communication. One of: HTTP, HTTPS. When using HTTPS the HTTP communication is going to be secured using TLS/SSL. If HTTPS was configured as protocol then the user can customize the tls/ssl configuration by defining the tls:context child element. If no tls:context is defined then the default JVM certificates are going to be used to establish communication.
connection‐ttl no no Number The number of milliseconds to close the connection in the pool.
socket‐properties no socket-properties Socket configuration and properties.
enable‐cookies no no true Boolean Enables cookie management. If true, cookies received in HTTP responses will be stored, and sent in subsequent HTTP requests.
follow‐redirects no no true Boolean Enables redirects.
ignore‐connection‐errors no no false Boolean If true, then it ignores exceptions in connections. If it is turned on and there is no connection to the remote system, then the log method will not send anything and there will only be message in the log that the record has not been sent.
disabled no yes false Boolean Disables logging. Connection to the target system is not required (from Logging Module version 1.3.2).
proxy no proxy Web proxy settings.
ntlm-proxy no ntlm-proxy NTLM web proxy settings.
authentication no One of:
Authentication configuration of the HTTP request.
reconnection no One of:
The reconnection strategy to use. Find more about connectivity and strategies.

6.3. Type socket-properties

<ilm:socket‐properties name="globalTcpSocketProps" keep‐alive="true" connection‐timeout="30000" />
Attribute name Required Expressions Default value Type Description
name yes no String Configuration name used for configuration reference.
send‐buffer‐size no no Number Buffer size (in bytes) when sending data.
receive‐buffer‐size no no Number Buffer size (in bytes) when receiving data.
client‐timeout no no 0 Number It is used to configure SO_TIMEOUT. It is the time in milliseconds that the socket will wait for data before it fails. A value of 0 (the default) means waiting indefinitely.
reuse‐address no no true Boolean It is used to configure SO_REUSEADDRESS.
connection‐timeout no yes 30000 Number Time in milliseconds of waiting for a successful connection to the target before it fails.
send‐tcp‐no‐delay no yes true Boolean Indicates whether the transmitted data should not be collected together for greater efficiency and sent immediately.
linger no yes Number It is used to set SO_LINGER in milliseconds. Time in milliseconds to wait for the socket to close.
keep‐alive no yes false Boolean It is used to set SO_KEEPALIVE.

6.4. SSL context

The connector uses a standard Mule TLS configuration. It can be defined as a top level element or as an element inside a connection element.

<tls:context name="sslSecurityContext">
  <tls:trust‐store path="trustStore‐localhost.jks" password="changeit" />

6.5. Type http-header

<ilm:http‐header key="Content‐Type" value="#[attributes.headers['Content‐Type']]" />
Attribute name Required Expressions Default value Type Description
key yes no String Key of HTTP header.
value no yes String Value of HTTP header.

6.6. Type query-param

<ilm:query‐param key="param1" value="#['param1 value']"/>
Attribute name Required Expressions Default value Type Description
key yes yes String Parameter name (unescaped).
value yes yes String Parameter value (unescaped).

6.7. Type proxy

<ilm:proxy name="globalHttpProxy" host="localhost" port="8888" username="test" password="password" non‐proxy‐hosts="example.com,localhost" />
Attribute name Required Expressions Default value Type Description
name yes no String Configuration name used for configuration reference.
host yes yes String Host where the proxy requests will be sent.
port no yes -1 Number Port where the proxy requests will be sent.
username no yes String The username to authenticate against the proxy.
password no yes String The password to authenticate against the proxy.
non‐proxy‐hosts no yes String A list of comma separated hosts against which the proxy should not be used.

6.8. Type ntlm-proxy

<ilm:ntlm‐proxy name="viaNtlmProxy" host="localhost" port="8888" ntlm-domain="domain.example.com" />
Attribute name Required Expressions Default value Type Description
name yes no String Configuration name used for configuration reference.
host yes yes String Host where the proxy requests will be sent.
port no yes -1 Number Port where the proxy requests will be sent.
username no yes String The username to authenticate against the proxy.
password no yes String The password to authenticate against the proxy.
non‐proxy‐hosts no yes String A list of comma separated hosts against which the proxy should not be used.
ntlm-domain yes yes String The domain to authenticate against the proxy.

7. Connector File

7.1. Logging configuration

<ilm:file‐logging‐config name="testLoggingCfg" template‐file="logging‐message.template" fail‐on‐missing‐properties="false" ignore‐exceptions="false">
  <ilm:file‐connection path="/tmp" filename="test‐file‐logging.log" ignore‐connection‐errors="false">
      <ilm:char‐writer append‐eol="true" charset="UTF‐8" />
      <ilm:size‐based filename‐pattern="test‐file‐logging‐%i.log"/>
Attribute name Required Expressions Default value Type Description
name yes no String Configuration name used for configuration reference.
template‐file yes no String The name of the file in the classpath with the template for the log.
application‐key no no String Application key.
application‐name no yes #[app.name] String Application name. Default is the name of the application obtained from the Mule runtime.
fail‐on‐missing‐properties no yes true Boolean It is used to configure whether it has to throw exceptions in case placeholder evaluation fails.
replace‐if‐missing‐with no yes null String If fail‐on‐missing‐properties is set to false, this value will be stored instead of the placeholder whose evaluation failed.
ignore‐exceptions no yes true Boolean If set to true, then exceptions during logging will be ignored (only logged to the log).
escape‐values no no true Boolean Enables or disables character escaping in the log message.
escaper‐class no no String Name of Java class for escaping.

As a useful escaper-class can be used build-in CVS escaper based on cz.integsoft.mule.ilm.internal.component.CSVValueEscaper class.

7.2. Connector configuration

<ilm:file‐connection path="/tmp" filename="test‐file‐logging.log" ignore‐connection‐errors="false">
    <ilm:char‐writer append‐eol="true" charset="UTF‐8" />
    <ilm:size‐based filename‐pattern="test‐file‐logging‐%i.log"/>
Attribute name Required Expressions Default value Type Description
path no yes . String The directory for logging. Default value is ., i.e., the current directory. Supports expressions e.g. #[server.tmpDir]
filename yes no String File name for logging.
ignore‐connection‐errors no no false Boolean It is used to configure whether to ignore errors when opening the file. This may result in not connected resource.
disabled no yes false Boolean Enables or disables logging. Even a connection to the target system is not required (from Logging Module version 1.3.2).
file-writer no One of:
Optional file writer factory. Default is char‐writer for writing text files.
rolling-policy no One of:
Optional rolling policy.
reconnection no One of:
The reconnection strategy to use. Find more about connectivity and strategies.

7.3. Type char‐writer

<ilm:char‐writer append‐eol="true" charset="UTF‐8" />
Attribute name Required Expressions Default value Type Description
append‐eol no no true Boolean If the log record should be separated by EOL (line terminator).
charset no no UTF-8 String Defines the character set for file writing.

7.4. Rolling policy size-based

<ilm:size‐based filename‐pattern="test‐file‐logging‐%i.log" max‐backup‐count=“10“ max‐file‐size=“10000“/>
Attribute name Required Expressions Default value Type Description
filename‐pattern yes no String Backup filename pattern. %i will be replaced with the index count and it is mandatory to be in the pattern (only one is allowed).
max‐backup‐count no no Number Maximum count of rotated backup files. Default is not set, which means infinite count.
max‐file‐size no no 10485760 Number Maximum file size in bytes. Important is that the log will not split the log message, in other words the log message will remain complete in one file. Default is 10485760 (10MB).

7.5. CSV escaper

File connector allows CSV creation. To do this, it is needed to add a special class cz.integsoft.mule.ilm.internal.component.CSVValueEscaper to the escaper‐class configuration of file‐logging‐config and turn on escaping values with the escape‐values switch to true.

8. Authentication

Allows sending authentication data in an HTTP request.

<ilm:http‐connection host="${https.host}" port="${https.port}" protocol="HTTPS" max‐connections="4" max‐connections‐per‐route="4" connection‐idle‐timeout="30000" 
    ignore‐connection‐errors="true" socket‐properties="globalTcpSocketProps" enable‐cookies="false" tlsContext="sslSecurityContext" proxy‐config="globalHttpProxy">
    <ilm:basic‐authentication username="${http.username}" password="${http.password}" preemptive="true" />
Attribute name Required Expressions Default value Type Description
authentication yes One of:
Authentication configuration of the http request.

8.1. Type basic-authentication

<ilm:basic‐authentication username="username" password="password" preemptive="true" />
Attribute name Required Expressions Default value Type Description
username yes yes String The username to authenticate.
password yes yes String The password to authenticate.
preemptive no yes true Boolean Configures if authentication should be preemptive or not. Preemptive authentication will send the authentication header in the first request, instead of waiting for a 401 response code to send it.

8.2. Type digest-authentication

<ilm:digest‐authentication username="username" password="password" preemptive="true" />
Attribute name Required Expressions Default value Type Description
username yes yes String The username to authenticate.
password yes yes String The password to authenticate.
preemptive no yes true Boolean Configures if authentication should be preemptive or not. Preemptive authentication will send the authentication header in the first request, instead of waiting for a 401 response code to send it.

8.3. Type ntlm-authentication

<ilm:ntlm‐authentication username="username" password="password" preemptive="true" workstation="workstation" domain="example.com" />
Attribute name Required Expressions Default value Type Description
username yes yes String The username to authenticate.
password yes yes String The password to authenticate.
preemptive no yes true Boolean Configures if authentication should be preemptive or not. Preemptive authentication will send the authentication header in the first request, instead of waiting for a 401 response code to send it.
workstation no yes String The workstation to authenticate.
domain no yes String The domain to authenticate.

9. Template

The template can be any text file. All placeholders must be evaluated as a string. There are two types of placeholders:

Mule expressions: ${#[XXX]}, where XXX is Mule expression, e.g., ${#[payload]} will replace payload in the template in the form of a string.
Keywords: ${XXX}, where XXX is the key word, e.g., ${duration} the processing time between mark‐start and mark‐end in the template.

The following Mule expressions will be replaced during the log method call:

Mule expression Description
attributes Access to Mule message attributes.
payload Access to payload Mule messages.
dataType Access to the payload data type.
authentication Access to the authentication object (if the user is authenticated).
vars Access to Mule message flow variables.
message Access to Mule message.
error Access to error (if any).

The following keywords will be replaced during the log method call:

Mule expression Description
duration Duration in milliseconds.
machineName The name of the machine on which the application is running.
correlationId Correlation ID (Mule message ID).
applicationKey Application key.
applicationName Application name.
muleVersion Mule runtime version.
muleNodeId ID of Mule runtime.
javaVersion The version of Java on which the runtime runs.
javaVendor The vendor of Java on which the runtime runs.
created Date and time the log message was created. The default formatting is ISO. After the | (pipe) sign, it is possible to specify the format to which it is to be converted.
threadName The name of the thread that processes the flow.
level Logging level.
loggerPoint Log location.
user Username.
logMessage Log message.
errorDescription Description of the error, if any.
rootErrorDescription Description of the root exception error.
errorType Error type.
id ID of execution.
customCorrelationId Specific correlation ID.
flowName The name of the flow whether there is log operation.
  "Created":"${created|yyyy‐MM‐dd HH:mm:ss,SSS}",
  "Test":"Last message fixed in the template",

10. Connectivity

If there is a problem in connectivity to the remote system, it is possible to configure a retry strategy for reconnection or use the ignore‐connection‐errors flag on the connector. It is enough to add the following code to the body of the connector in XML, and the connection will be re-established in case of failure (it is advantageous for occasional outages of the remote system).

<reconnection failsDeployment="false">
  <reconnect count="3" frequency="1000" />
Attribute name Required Expressions Default value Type Description
failsDeployment no yes Boolean When the application is deployed, a connectivity test is performed on all connectors. If set to true, deployment will fail if the test doesn't pass after exhausting the associated reconnection strategy.
reconnection yes One of:
The reconnection strategy to use.

11. Errors thrown by the module

Errors are caught using on‐error‐propagate in error‐handler element. For the list of module specific exceptions, see the table below.

<error‐handler name="globalErrorHandler">
  <on‐error‐propagate type="ILM:TEMPLATE_PROCESSING">
    <set‐variable value="#[error.errorMessage.attributes.statusCode]" variableName="httpStatus" />
    <set‐payload value="#[error.errorMessage.payload]" mimeType="text/plain" />
  <on‐error‐propagate type="ANY">
    <set‐variable value="#[error.errorMessage.attributes.statusCode default 500]" variableName="httpStatus" />
    <set‐payload value="#[error.errorMessage.attributes.reason]" mimeType="text/plain" />
Exception name Description
NO_LICENSE License error.
MAX_CALLS_REACHED Maximum number of calls allowed within the demo license has been exceeded.
GENERIC_ERROR Generic error.
INITIALIZATION Error during component initialization.
PROCESSING Error during processing.
TEMPLATE_PROCESSING Error during processing log message template.
CONNECTIVITY Error during connecting to message store.
RETRY_EXHAUSTED Error during reconnecting.

12. Download

There are several download options available. Please use our official download page to get all Integration Eye™ modules.

13. License

To run the module you'll need a valid license (Demo, Start-up or Production). In case the license is lacking, the application with the given module will not start, and there will be a log message with corresponding information. Register to get a free Start-up license now!

Already have a license? Please visit our FAQ: how to install a license?